Friday 24 January 2020

The Final Phase of Life

I turned 66 recently. I'm in the final phase of my life. It is now characterized by several key qualities:

  1. I am almost always very cranky. Every little thing frustrates and angers me. I am extremely intolerant and impatient.
  2. I am most forgetful. My short-term memory is especially egregious. This could be signalling early onset dementia.
  3. I have virtually no sex drive. I have absolutely no sexual energy to "perform" at all.
  4. I have all kinds of bodily aches and pains. I get frequent foot cramps. I have a bum knee. I have low back pain.
  5. I'm always nodding off while watching my favourite TV shows! Maybe I'm sleep-deprived.
I feel like I'm just waiting to die. The only thing I truly enjoy now is writing and blogging. I spent the last five years evangelizing Smalltalk — see Interview with a Smalltalk Evangelist and Smalltalk tech blog. If I didn't have that, I don't know what I'd do with my life.

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